We analyze your competition.

KnowledgeAgent provides relevant competitive and market specific information. Tailored to your needs and in accordance with our strict quality standards.

Selected customer references

Established expertise in B2B markets
Established expertise in B2B markets

Our analysts have a profound understanding of key markets and their structures.

Extensive portfolio of sources
Extensive portfolio of sources

KnowledgeAgent has direct access to a comprehensive list of professional databases.

Fast delivery of results
Fast delivery of results

We guarantee rapid processing of requests and deliver high quality results.

Our services

Data Gathering

Use data and intelligence from the web to gain additional insight and a basis for strategic decisions.

Datenbeschaffung, data gathering, Web Scraping, Instrumente, instruments, technology, Technologie, Analyse, analysis, Analytics, Online, Marktplätze, market place, Portal, ecommerce, Struktur, structure, Effizienz, effiency, Automatisch, automatic, Bereitstellung, provision, deployment, Datenbereitstellung, data provision

Market Entry Analysis

A market entry or location analysis goes beyond a potential analysis and examines not only the market and its competition but also the macroeconomic environment.

Markteintritt, market entry, Standort, location, Marktpotenzial, market potential, Wachstumschancen, growth opportunities, Unternehmen, company, Expansion, Organisation, Vertrieb, sales, distribution, Industrie, indutry, Finanzierung, financing, Absatz, Produktion, production, Übernahme, acquisition, ökonomische Rahmenbedingungen, economic framework, Studie, study, Branchenstudie, industry report, Anwenderstudie, user trial, Zulieferindustrie, supply industry, Investition, investment, Unternehmensübernahme, company takeover, Finanzierungsbedingungen, financing conditionsmarket entry, Marktanalyse, market analysis, market study, market survey, industry sector analysis, Marktabgrenzung, Marktsegmentierung, Markteintrittsanalyse erstellen, Markteintrittsstrategie

Strategic Competitor Analysis

Are you informed about your competitors‘ strategies? Our detailed analyses reveal how your competition plans to grow and deliver information with which you can derive your corporate strategy.

Wettbewerbsanalyse, competitive analysis, Standortstrategie, location strategy, Vertriebsstrategie, sales strategy, Investitionsstrategie, investment strategy, Marktentwicklung, market development, market trend, Innovationsstrategie, innovation strategy, Innovation, Wettbewerbsumfeld, competitive environment, Produktentwicklung, product development, Marktstruktur, market structure, Studie, study, Competitive Intelligence, Branchenstudie, industry report, Anwenderstudie, user trial, Marktkonzentration, market concentration, Unternehmenszusammenschluss, company merger, Konzentrationsprozess, concentration, process of concentration, Investition, investment, Marktanalyse, market analysis, market study, market survey, SWOT Analyse, Stärken und Schwächen Analyse, Konkurrenzanalyse, Marketing Intelligence

Market Potential Analysis

A market potential analysis allows you to identify growth opportunities and risks in your markets. KnowledgeAgent helps you to raise your potential.

Analyse, analysis, Marktpotenzial, market potential, Marktentwicklung, market development, Markterweiterung, market expansion, Marktkräfte, market forces, Marktvolumen, market volume, Verdrängungswettbewerb, predatory competition, Wachstum, growth, Wettbewerbsumfeld, competitive environment, Technischer Fortschritt, technological progress, Studie, study, Branchenstudie, industry report, Anwenderstudie, user trial, Produktinnovation, product innovation, Markteintritt, market entry, Standort, location, Wachstumschancen, growth opportunities, Unternehmen, company, Expansion, Organisation, Vertrieb, distribution, Industry, industry, Finanzierung, financing, Absatz, sales, Produktion, production, Übernahme, acquisition, ökonomische Rahmenbedingungen, economic framework, Zulieferindustrie, supply industry, Investition, investment, Unternehmensübernahme, company takeover, Marktanalyse, market study, market analysis, market survey, Marktabgrenzung, Marktsegmentierung

Company Profiles

In order to prevail over the competition, one must know the competition. Our competitor profiles provide the most important information at a glance. Benefit from the expertise of our analysts as well as our comprehensive portfolio of professional sources.

Unternehmensprofil, company profile, Unternehmensentwicklung, business development, Verflechtung, interdependence, Beteiligungen, investments, Finanzkraft, financial power, financial strength, Marktpartner, market partner, Positionierung, positioning, Produkteinführung, product launch, M&A, Unternehmen, company, Industrie, industry, Zulieferer, supplier, Konkurrenz, competition, Wettbewerber, competitor, Zukäufe, acquisition, Wettbewerbsanalyse, Wettbewerberprofile, competitive intelligence

Knowledge Connect Portal

Knowledge Connect combines internal and external information in one central location and functions as a database of knowledge for all departments of your organization.

SaaS, Software as a service, Cloud, Dashboard, Wissensdatenbank, knowledge database, mobile, App, Information, Market Intelligence, Aggregation, Verteilung, distribution, Management, Content, Daten, data, Charts, Statistik, statistic, Portal, Organisation, extern, external, intern, internal

Data Analysis

KnowledgeAgent’s data analytics experts analyze internal and external data using many different methods and tools.

Analyse, analysis, Analytics, Instrumente, instruments, tools, Pivot-Auswertung, pivot evaluation, Clusteranalyse, cluster analysis, Korrelationsanalyse, correlation analysis, Regressionsanalyse, regression analysis, Daten, data, Prognose, forecast, Handlungspotenziale, disrection to act, Wissen, knowledge, Information, Potential, Transparenz, transparency, Optimierung, optimization, optimisation

Market Research

KnowledgeAgent’s analysts and sector experts accurately research and answer questions about markets and competition. Whether a brief ad-hoc request or a comprehensive study, we support your business needs in a timely and competent manner.

Marktrecherche, market research, Experteninterview, expert interview, experts interviews, Market Intelligence, Business Research, Competitive Intelligence, Ad hoc Recherche, ad hoc research, Desk Research, Finanzkennzahlen, financial indicators, financial figures, Marktanteil, market share, Markttrend, market trend, Marktentwicklung, market development, Vertriebsweg, sales channel, distribution channel, Branchenexperte, industry expert, Marktanalyse, market analysis

Management & Team Support

KnowledgeAgent offers quick ad hoc support of project teams and specialist departments with their short-term informational needs. Our team of analysts supports you with time-sensitive research projects.

Analyse, analysis, Analyst, analyst, Experten, experts, expert, Research Projekt, research project, Projektmanagement, project management, Management, Quellen Recherche, sources, Team Support, Outsourcing, Desk-Research

Analysis of Disruptive Business Models

KnowledgeAgent regularly analyses new digitalization concepts as well as the decentralization of markets in order to determine their impact to your business model.

Dezentralisierung, Digitalisierung, Industrie 4.0, IoT, Internet of Things, Smart Home, Elektromobilität, electgromobility, erneuerbare Energien, renewable energy, Smart City, Blockchain, 3D Druck, 3d print, digitale Transformation, digital transformation, Studie, study, Forschung, research, Entwicklung, Development, Produktinnovation, product innovation, Technologie, technology, Auswirkung, impact, Geschäftsmodell, Business model, Markteintritt, market entry, Verdrängung, displacement, disruptiv, disruptive, Verdrängungswettbewerb, predatory competition, Marktanalyse, market analysis, market study, market survey, connected cars, disruptive innovation, disruptive technologie

Competitor and Market Monitoring

Stay informed about the strategic moves of your competitors and important market developments. We collect and summarize the most relevant announcements and allow you to react early to opportunities and threats.

Marktbeobachtung, market observation, Trendscouting, Trends, Forschung, research, Entwicklung, development, Leitmarkt, leading market, Innovation, Analyse, analysis, Studie, study, Wettbewerb, competition, Produktinnovation, product innovation, Mega-Trend, mega trend, Branchenstudie, industry report, Anwenderstudie, user trial, Marktanalyse, market analysis, market study, market survey, Trendforschung, trend monitoring, markt monitoring, market monitoring, market intelligence, competitive intelligence, Wettbewerbsbeobachtung, Wettbewerberbeobachtung

Supplier Identification

Growing competitive pressure demands a continuous optimization of supply chains. KnowledgeAgent assists you in this process, from identifying the right supplier to creating company profiles.

Wettbewerb, competition, Procurement, Beschaffung, Zuliefermarkt, supplier market, Supply Chain, Vorprodukte, precursors, Analyse, analysis, Anbieter, supplier, Angebot, offer, Management, Market Intelligence, Business Research, Branchenexperte, industry expert, Finanzkraft, financial power, financial strength, Geografie, geography, Unternehmensbeteiligung, participation, Konzern, corporate group, Konzernstruktur, corporate structure, Marktanalyse, market analysis

Market Development

In order to conquer new markets, one must know where to invest. With the help of KnowledgeAgent’s research, our customers have the informational basis to develop new business segments and enter new markets.

Markterschließung, market exploitation, Marktschranken, market barriers, Marktstruktur, market structure, Markttrends, market trend, market trends, Marktvolumen, market volume, Wettbewerb, competition, Competitive Intelligence, Market Intelligence, Vertriebsstrategie, sales strategy, Wettbewerbsintensität, competitive intensity, Produktbenchmarking, product benchmarking, Marktregulierung, market regulation, Fusion, merger, Unternehmensübernahme, company takeover, Übernahme, acquisition, Marktanalyse, market analysis

Data Management

KnowledgeAgent takes on the management of external data, from the identification of data sources to data processing up to the integration and visualization of data.

Daten, data, Management, Anreicherung, enrichment, Service, Datenquellen, data source, data sources, Integration, Visualisierung, visualization, Qualitätssicherung, quality assurance, Data Mining, Big Data, Business Intelligence, BI, extern, external, intern, internal, Aufbereitung, preparation, strukturierte, structured, Datenformat, data format, Vertragsmanagement, contract management

Reports & Coverage

We support our clients in the efficient and professional generation of reports and coverage.

Daten, data, Automatisierung, automation, Outsourcing, Service, Reporting, vollständig, complete, effizient, efficient, Kostenersparnis, cost saving, Berichterstellung, report generation, Prozess, process, Management, professionell, professionel, Datenbeschaffung, data gathering, Aufbereitung, preparation, Auswertung, evaluation, Visualisierung, visualization, visualisation, Datenvisualisierung, data visualization, Unternehmensreporting

Monitoring Services

Keep your business sectors and information at first glance. With KnowledgeAgent’s Monitoring Services, our customers regularly receive the newest updates from their markets in their Knowledge Connect portal.

Knowledge Connect, Portallösung, portal solution, Market Intelligence, Dashboard, Daten, data, Information, Taxonomie, taxonomy, SaaS, Cloud, Analyse, analysis, Monitoring, portal

Management Newsletters

KnowledgeAgent’s Newsletter Services ensure that our customers stay continuously informed about the most important developments regarding their markets and competitors.

Management, Informationssystem, information system, Market Intelligence, Aggregation, Verteilung, distribution, MIS, Analyst, Newsletter, Relevanz,relevance, Fachinformationen, expert information, Markt, market, Wettbewerber, Konkurrenz, competition, competitors

Data Visualization

Seeing is believing; gain new insights at first glance. Targeted data visualization reveals new context to different user groups and highlights relevant data.

Datenvisualisierung, data visualization, Visualisierung, visualization, Think-Cell, Tableau, Instrument, Information, Qualität, quality, Daten, data, Big Data, Analytics, Analyse, analysis, Erkenntnis, recognition, Relevanz, relevance, Marketing, Vertrieb, sales, Business Development, Datenanalyse, data analysis, Informationsqualität, information quality, Infografik, info grafic

Content Modules

KnowledgeAgent offers its customers a broad spectrum of content modules for the initial filling of their Market Intelligence Portals. Start harvesting and distributing knowledge today!

Informationen, Marktdaten, market data, Unternehmensinformationen, business information, Wettbewerb, competition, Konkurrenz, competitor, Investor Relations, Marketing, Vertrieb, sales, Finanzierung, financing, Unternehmen, company, Industrie, industry, Market Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence, Portal, Content, Entscheidung, decision, Strategie, strategy, Datenbank, database, Wissen, knowledge, Kundendatenbank, customer database, Unternehmensprofile, company profiles, studie, study


Monitoring over time generates new expertise. KnowledgeAgent takes over the periodic updating of analyses so you never miss an important development.

Marktdaten, market data, Strategie, strategy, KPI, Index, Scoring, Analyse, analysis, Unternehmen, company, Industrie, industry, Entwicklung, development, Instrumente, tools, Wissen, knowledge, Information, Erkenntnis, recognition, Studie, study, Branchenstudie, Anwenderstudie, user trial, Branchenstudie, industry report


How does your company compare against your competitors in terms of sustainability? And which areas are worth investing in? Our team addresses sustainability issues across all industries and assists you in developing and refining your own strategy.

Nachhaltigkeit Recherchen, Nachhaltigkeitsanalysen, ESG Analysen, ESG Recherchen, Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie, Sustainability research services, ESG research services, sustainability insights, ESG insights, sustainability research, ESG research, sustainability analysis, ESG analysis

Strategic Foresight

KnowledgeAgent helps you capture trends in your target markets, identify growth potential, and analyze new markets. With our help, you stay one step ahead of your competition.

Strategische Analysen, Strategische Studien, Strategic Foresight, Markttrends erfassen, Wachstumspotenziale erkennen, Neue Märkte analysieren, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit sichern, Trends und Technologien, Langfristige Geschäftsstrategien, Zukunftsszenarien, Globale Trends, Klimawandel Auswirkungen, Geopolitische Verschiebungen, Demografische Veränderungen, PESTEL, Forecast, Strategic Analysis, Strategic Studies, Strategic Foresight, capture market trends, identify growth potential, analyze new markets, stay ahead of competition, uncertain future, actionable plans, long-term success, technology-intensive industries, emerging market trends, leverage technologies, competitive advantage, promising new markets, new business models, potential future scenarios, resilient strategies, implications of global trends, climate change impacts, geopolitical shifts, demographic changes adaptation

Macroeconomic Monitoring

Our macroeconomic monitoring helps you keep track of current developments in your industry. Most importantly, it helps you build resilience to economic changes and better prepare for future challenges.

Macro report, Macro trend report, Macroeconomic insights report, Macro insights report, market landscape analysis, Financial indicator analysis, Economic benchmark report, Global economic insights, Macroeconomic country comparison, International economic analysis

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